Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Stop, oh yeah, wait a minute Mr Postman.

I have always been a fan of post and cute letter sets are another thing I seem to collect.
When I was younger I used to go to Lourdes for a week every summer with Westminster diocese and to keep in touch with the friends I made there, we often sent letters to each other. I think when you're young post is a bit of a novelty. You obviously don't get bills so the only post you do get is either the odd birthday/Christmas card from a far away relative or a letter from a pen pal.
I don't think I've ever grew out of the "post is a novelty" phase. Obviously I don't like getting bills, but its always so exciting to get a letter that you weren't expecting. (I even find it exciting when I have post from ebay or another source I was expecting - I know, I'm sad).
Once I moved to London for uni I always bought kawaii letter sets from Art Box. Even though my letter writing days were slowing and it was so much easier to keep in touch with friends via facebook etc I still continued to buy writing sets.

Last week I spoke to my friend Hayley who used to be my best friend in college. We hadn't really spoke for aggggges so it was good to catch up. We were on facebook chat (rubbish) and she was telling my about moving just outside of Leeds and when she was packing up her flat she found old letters I sent to her during uni times. This inspired my to start writing to her again - we definitely kept in better touch with letters rather than the Internet.
I must now admit that last week when I went to town with my mam we went into our local Paperchase and I ended up buying another letter set. Oops. But it will get used this time!

It was £4.00 (though my mam bought it for me) and contains:

 10 sheets of writing paper which has a really cute header. This writing set is from the "Bubble and Sweet" collection.

10 envelopes - if I were a post-person I'd love to be delivering cute little letters like this rather than the standard and boring white or brown envelopes.

10 memo notes - These are good to write your address or an important date on so your friend can have it separate from the main letter.

and finally:

stickers :)

I hope you liked this post, maybe it's inspired you to start sending letters again. I hope so - everyone loves a pen pal :)

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