Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Necklaces - Posi Vs Negi.

What necklace collection would be complete without the compulsory posi v negi necklaces.
By this I mean the love/heartache/hate necklaces you can buy all year, but especially around valentines day.

These are my POSI necklaces for when I want to embrace love or tell a stranger what my name is... The top row are from, you guessed it, good old Lady Luck. The "Milly" and "Emily" were custom made. The bottom left is from Primark which I got this year for £2, bargain! The "Love" necklace was from Miss Selfridge last year. The little flower heart is also a locket and I think I got it from H&M but I'm not 100% sure as I've had it since I was about 13. The bottom right is again from LLROK, the souvenir necklace that she created when she decided to shut up shop *SOB*

My NEGI collection contains a yellow broken heart necklace from LLROK which was sort of custom made (well there was about 4 colours to pick), the big red broken heart necklace I got from Topshop last year for about £10 but it is HUGE and I love it. It's a proper statement piece and at the time I bought it, it really expressed my feelings. Ha. The gold heart with a sort of angry/confused face is from LLROK again and could be either posi or negi depending on how you'd interpret the facial expression. And the "Heart breaker" necklace is also from Topshop. Negi because being a heart breaker is mean.

I used to wear the yellow glitter broken heart necklace a lot last year. Then my Aunty Mary told me to stop being such an idiot, buy a "fixed" heart and wear that and things would get better. My response was to buy the pink glitter Emily heart necklace and things did start falling into place. Maybe she was right? Who knows, but I love having the option of appearing happy/sad.
I like using necklaces as messages and while I have room for some negi thoughts every now and again post will win in the end (hence the bigger collection).

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