Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Necklaces - the North-South divide

I have a large collection of necklaces. Definitely more than 100 and they're all different but similar, if that makes any sense. I feel naked without a necklace on and its very rare for me not to wear one (I only don't when my dress dictates that I don't).  People always comment on them and to be honest I didn't even realise I had so many until I was a uni and my friend noticed how everyday I was wearing a one she hadn't seen before. It wasn't until last year when I made a sort of necklace "archive" and sorted them out into a proper storage system. I have far too many though and need to buy some more boxes to keep them in. Its a hard life!
While I am sorting them all I figured I'd give you a little look into my necklace world. I couldn't decide where to start, and I was going to start with owls as they are my favourite birds and I have several owl necklaces, but I figured I'd show these first:

This is my Angel of the North necklace from Tatty Devine. I am from Gateshead and I bought it while living in London to emphasise the fact that I'm not from Newcastle, and also for a bit of hometown pride. It was made in partnership with the Baltic to celebrate the Angel's 10th anniversary but has been so successful Tatty still makes them.

I lived in London for three years for uni. During holidays at home if I would mention I was cold my dad would always joke that I'd "gone soft" and "turned into a cockney". I saw this necklace in Topshop during my final year and decided to buy it.

I hope you enjoyed my first necklace post. Next stop OWLS.

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