Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Take a bow

Sorry for another Rihanna reference. I'm not a huge fan, honest. Right, bow necklaces. I didn't realise I had this many! The top left is by Tatty Devine but I bought it from ebay for a fraction of the cost. Love ebay! The downside is that it didn't come in a TD box that a brand new one would had, which means I have to store it elsewhere. The red and white dotty one I got from Accessorize off my mam for my birthday. The little gold bow I got free from a top from River Island, woo! The bottom left is probs my favourite bow and its from (you guessed it) LLROK. I've had it for yeaaaars and it's on a long silver chain. The checky bow is from Topshop and I got it in the sale.

Oh naaaa naaa what's ma name

In case I ever forget my name like Rihanna I have a collection of name necklaces to help me remember.

They're all from LLROK. The guitar and Russian doll are probably my favourites and defiantly most worn, you can tell by the fading.

Maybe Riri should invest in one, then she'd not have to keep asking her Nana.

Necklaces - Posi Vs Negi.

What necklace collection would be complete without the compulsory posi v negi necklaces.
By this I mean the love/heartache/hate necklaces you can buy all year, but especially around valentines day.

These are my POSI necklaces for when I want to embrace love or tell a stranger what my name is... The top row are from, you guessed it, good old Lady Luck. The "Milly" and "Emily" were custom made. The bottom left is from Primark which I got this year for £2, bargain! The "Love" necklace was from Miss Selfridge last year. The little flower heart is also a locket and I think I got it from H&M but I'm not 100% sure as I've had it since I was about 13. The bottom right is again from LLROK, the souvenir necklace that she created when she decided to shut up shop *SOB*

My NEGI collection contains a yellow broken heart necklace from LLROK which was sort of custom made (well there was about 4 colours to pick), the big red broken heart necklace I got from Topshop last year for about £10 but it is HUGE and I love it. It's a proper statement piece and at the time I bought it, it really expressed my feelings. Ha. The gold heart with a sort of angry/confused face is from LLROK again and could be either posi or negi depending on how you'd interpret the facial expression. And the "Heart breaker" necklace is also from Topshop. Negi because being a heart breaker is mean.

I used to wear the yellow glitter broken heart necklace a lot last year. Then my Aunty Mary told me to stop being such an idiot, buy a "fixed" heart and wear that and things would get better. My response was to buy the pink glitter Emily heart necklace and things did start falling into place. Maybe she was right? Who knows, but I love having the option of appearing happy/sad.
I like using necklaces as messages and while I have room for some negi thoughts every now and again post will win in the end (hence the bigger collection).

Owl be there for you.

I LOVE owls. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE them! I have millions of owl related things, mugs, candles, ornaments, bags, toys, socks, and of course NECKLACES!

Here is a photo of my selection of owl necklaces that I bought from Lady Luck Rules OK! over the years. The line at the top are felt owl mothers with a little baby. The one on the top left hand corner was the first one I bought, and sadly lost an eye. The second green and purple owl mother/baby combo I got from a LLROK goodie bag. Originally I was going to give it away as a present, but I love my owls too much! The brown and blue felt owls I bought from ebay.
 The bottom left is Orly owl, the first necklace I ever bought from LLROK (I think!). Next to Orly is the night owl, really good to wear on a night owlet (geddit?) and last but not least is the red owl which is on a long silver chain and probably the owl I wear the least, sorry red owl!

Here is my favourite owl close up, but remember owlies I love you all.

Orly is my favourite for sentimental reasons as if he wasn't the first necklace from LLROK he was deffo one of the first and the first owl I bought. Also he comes on a rainbow lace chain free chain and is rubber so is super fun to wear and brightens up all my owlfits. Ok I'll stop now....

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Necklaces - the North-South divide

I have a large collection of necklaces. Definitely more than 100 and they're all different but similar, if that makes any sense. I feel naked without a necklace on and its very rare for me not to wear one (I only don't when my dress dictates that I don't).  People always comment on them and to be honest I didn't even realise I had so many until I was a uni and my friend noticed how everyday I was wearing a one she hadn't seen before. It wasn't until last year when I made a sort of necklace "archive" and sorted them out into a proper storage system. I have far too many though and need to buy some more boxes to keep them in. Its a hard life!
While I am sorting them all I figured I'd give you a little look into my necklace world. I couldn't decide where to start, and I was going to start with owls as they are my favourite birds and I have several owl necklaces, but I figured I'd show these first:

This is my Angel of the North necklace from Tatty Devine. I am from Gateshead and I bought it while living in London to emphasise the fact that I'm not from Newcastle, and also for a bit of hometown pride. It was made in partnership with the Baltic to celebrate the Angel's 10th anniversary but has been so successful Tatty still makes them.

I lived in London for three years for uni. During holidays at home if I would mention I was cold my dad would always joke that I'd "gone soft" and "turned into a cockney". I saw this necklace in Topshop during my final year and decided to buy it.

I hope you enjoyed my first necklace post. Next stop OWLS.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

The life and lols of an anthropologist.

Hello and welcome to my blog!
I've considered making my own blog for a while now as I love reading blogs (super nosey!), so here we are. I didn't want my blog to just have one theme as I would get bored with it, and since I studied social anthropology at school (SOAS) and love the word "anthrolology" I decided to create a blog about my life in general.

I'll probably have a lot of time to update this blog as I'm currently unemployed and spend a lot of time online, so I will change the layout etc once I know how to work things!

At the moment I'm currently re-watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer with my dad for the 1928348th time. We're onto season 4, episode 2. I love it so I'm going to switch off here and get back to it, I will leave you with this:
