Sunday, 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Hope you all had a lovely day. Though I'd share with you what I've been up to.

Christmas necklace from Thriftola.

Owl 'engagement' ring off Jenny.

Christmas vegan cupcakes by Ms Cupcake, clockwise from top left; triple choc, oh christmint tree (mine), mince pie and apple spice.

Christmas presents - aka spoilt.

Can't wait for my Jake film fest :D

I asked for a Heart Rate Monitor to get serious with my training in the New Year. My dad also gave me a sprouting kit (that he's clearly going to steal from me!)

For Christmas dinner we go up to my Aunty Mary's house (aka YM). Me and my Dad had a jokey bet on to see who could get YM to swear first. I won as she was showing me her joke Christmas present which was a lump of poo. I kept asking her what it was and she said "s**t" hehe. Its always so nice to see everyone, but this year we got to briefly see Aunty Barbara! She's a fan of the blog and usually gets me a necklace so look at what it was :O


After YM's we go through to see my dad's cousin and his family in Durham. John Lavery (JL) always gets us jokey calenders, mine are usually "hunks" or something which he finds hilarious and I never use. This year I got this calender:

I think I will use this, bit of a novelty! Thanks JL!

Hope you all had a great time and hope Santa was kind!
I must go to sleep now as I'm one of those sados who goes to the Metro Centre early for the sales.


  1. wow you got so much stuff! The Hello Kitty stuff is adorable x

  2. Cute selection! Happy belated christmas! x hivennn

  3. Thanks girls, hope you both had a lovely Christmas. I know I was mega lucky, its a combination of presents from friends, family and parents/santa ;) x
